Marriage Vs Career

Choosing career over marriage can be a hard decision and vice versa too. It is important to analyze the situation and then to take any decision.

As marriage comes with a lot of hopes, dreams, changes and uncertainties, both the partners must discuss about their careers before agreeing for the marriage.

This is important as the person you are getting married can make you or break you.

I thought of marriage as a personal decision. I was aware that the person I would be getting married to would have an impact on my personal life.

It is very true that it is impossible for any woman to pursue career without her husband's support.

As I am very passionate regarding my career, job and further education, I discussed the same with my husband. I would say that I am really lucky that he supports me in every manner and I also get support from my mother-in-law and brother-in-law.

There are many ways in which marriage can influence one's career.

  1. It is not easy to move jobs, cities - This is true if your spouse moves to a new city for better growth opportunities but you might not get the same within the time.
  2. Nature of jobs - Nature of your jobs may be totally different. You both should have the same shift job but that can also be extended to outside office working hours.
  3. Financial Independence - Money is the biggest motivator to do a job. Before marriage, earn and spend was the theory. But after marriage, savings is the biggest asset for any couple. There can also be conflicts regarding where to spend money or whether to save money.
  4. Managing house is also a full time job - If one is staying with the in-laws, then it might be easier to manage both house and job. Once you are move out to a new place, then it is difficult to manage both the chores. Sometimes you need to rearrange the house when you come back. 
  5. Kids make it more complicated - Kids are blessings, but they also demand time and attention. If one does not has the full support system at home, then career growth and opportunities is zero.

Many women drop their careers after marriage. It is important to discuss career points with your would be and must be planned well.

One should follow few rules for a successful marriage and career.

  • A supportive marriage would lead to a successful person.
  • Encourage your own spouse.
  • Make time for yourself and your career.
  • Set boundaries so that you can live happily.
  • Both should talk about savings and investments; very often so that it does not become a matter of fight.
  • Never go to bed angry - if you both had a fight then it should be resolved the same night.
  • Both should show unconditional love and support to each other.
  • Share household duties.
  • Both should discuss before taking any decision.
  • The most important mantra for a successful marriage is Forgive and Apologize. If you are happy in your marriage then eventually you can be successful in your career too and vice versa.

Last and most important - If one needs to be successful in one's career and marriage then one should discuss about future plans with one's partner so that it doesn't ruin their personal and professional life.

I hope you all might agree with this. Do share if anything is missing in comments.


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