Work Life Balance

Work Life Balance
For busy professionals, a work-life balance is incredibly important for happiness, productivity and effectiveness at work. Achieving the right balance between career and lifestyle will not only give you the best chance of strong performance at work, but also help you to maintain the health of your relationships.
This is faced by almost everyone. People are not able to balance both work and personal life.
A person might think he or she has achieved balance when they can leave work early enough to have dinner with their family.
Someone might view it as having a flexible schedule, so that they can study for a part-time graduate degree.
In short, you achieve life balance when you have enough time to pursue both work and personal interests that you love.
 However, when you feel as if one side of your life is using up too much of your energy, you can become stressful, your productivity declines along with straining of relationship's.
A failure to achieve life balance does lead to stress and lower productivity at work , this can be also due to the dissatisfaction towards the profession.
Now the question arises are we really balancing both work and life.
Mostly people would say “A Big NO”. Some are not able to focus on studies and some are not able to spend time to family.
There can be various factors due to which this happens; Excessive work burden, Interference of work with family, No me time and most common is every time you need to fulfill other’s expectations.
Both work and personal life needs to be balanced;
It helps in maintaining health, increases productivity, family relations are improved
There needs to be a role of organization in work life balance;
There needs to be flexible working hours, should provide performance bonus and overtime also.They must encourage vacation for employees
Output of work life balance in organization:
If employees would be given break on timely basis then they would definitely be an asset to company.It would lead to the increased productivity and will lower absenteeism of employees for prolonged period
How to achieve Healthy work life balance:
One should prioritize work task that which work needs to be done when and sufficient time needs to be given to every task. Breaks need to be taken during the work. One must recharge oneself by going on holidays.
One must give time to maintain their healthy lifestyle and should do meditation and yoga so as to be stress free.

Hence I would say that one must always be in practice to balance both work and family. 


  1. Something everyone knows but no one ever does :D :p

  2. This is very truly said ������


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